Monday, July 30, 2012

Nicole Jones

Nicole Jones is a writer, the keen editor of Born Hungry, an up and coming online food magazine, and a content strategist for Facebook. As if those things don't keep her busy enough, she's also the very loving mamma to a tiny, tiiiny little chihuahua, Geoffery, a voracious reader, a surfer, a Francophile, and, of course, a major foodie.

We started our afternoon, appropriately, with a yummy lunch at Nopalito. What better place for a Californian and Texan to meet than a bright, airy, delicious taco bar? After polishing off far more than we should have we took a short walk to her cozy San Francisco apartment and dove right in.

Nicole is the quiet, no-nonsense, chic girl you always admire from a far. But once you take a few steps closer you find that not only is she so darn chic you could spit, but her eyes sparkle, her laugh is warm and she's got just the right amount of tomboy grit. Just like Nicole, her closet is seriously refined. No whim purchases in here, no cheapie summer sandals, no extras - just the true classics. The things you know you'll love till they fall apart. Think smart Dieppa Restrepo oxfords and booties, classic Steven Alan dresses, buttery soft silk Equipment blouses, easy, inky jeans, and a few well placed pieces of jewelry (including a recently scored Dream Collective cuff). Her closet easily fits her self proclaimed tomboy status. That is, if you're a tomboy with a soft spot for smart, no nonsense, lady like classics.

My personal style is… clean, minimal, tailored, and desert-influenced. I try to stick with classic pieces that age well. I wear jeans pretty much every day, so I should definitely say casual.

My style icons are… Jean Seberg, Audrey Tautou, and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I’m inspired by… the ocean, my teachers, other writers, and love. Whether people love other people or are just passionate about what they do, I find that really infectious.

If I lived in another era I’d choose… 60s in France for sure.

The last book I read was… Love in a Dish by M.F.K. Fisher.

Right now I’m obsessed with…reading, actually. I started using Readmill a few months ago, and I can't stop buying books. I'm in the middle of Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things right now, and it's so effing good. Her words are super powerful.

Lately I’ve been listening to… Fiona Apple, Feist, Andrew Bird, Sam Cooke, and The Bad Plus.

When I’m at home I love to… spend time with my boyfriend. I love cooking and he makes amazing cocktails, so it works out really nicely. I also try to give my chihuahua a lot of attention, as he's a little snugglebug.

If I were in a movie I’d be in… something by Hitchcock or Truffaut. Or Woody Allen, because a girl can dream.

When I walk up to the bar I order… something citrusy with gin, tequila, or mezcal — and no simple syrup. There's nothing more disappointing than an overly sweet drink.

My go-to beauty product is… the basic $1 oatmeal soap from any hippie grocery. I don't wear makeup, so I keep things pretty basic. I also really love my dryskin brush.

I’m crushing on… cities and poems and super big daydreams..."
The last time I surprised myself I… got a job at Facebook. The interview process was super fast and intimidating, but I landed the job after getting a referral from a friend. Still getting used to it, as I was freelancing for a few years.

On a sunny afternoon I love to… go to the park or hike around the city. There are so many hidden paths and parks in San Francisco. I've been here for two and half years, and I'm still getting to know the area.

When I’ve got money to burn I head toTotokaelo, Steven Alan on Hayes, or Omnivore Books in Noe Valley.

Five things I can’t live without are… tea, spicy food, friends, books, and a camera

I feel most myself when I am… writing at my kitchen table or exploring new places.

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